wall in progres

the wall of your home / your country * le mur de votre maison / votre pays

Australia . France . Indonesia . Singapore

...a stranger passing outside a Greek wall was invited inside the house by the family. The host washed the stranger's feet, offered him/her food and wine, and only after he/she was comfortable they asked his/her name...
...un étranger passant devant un mur, en Grèce, fût invité, par la famille, à les rejoindre à l’intérieur de leur maison. L’hôte lava les pieds de l’étranger, lui offrit du vin, et seulement après, quand il/elle fût bien à son aise, il lui demanda son nom...
…privacy, boundary, open wall, opaque wall, fence, barrier, ambiguous wall, protective wall, keyless wall, fortification wall, dike, shared wall, breaking the wall, superwall, …
…a solid structure of wall defines and sometimes protects an area. Most commonly, it delineates a building and supports its superstructure, separates space in buildings into rooms, or protects or delineates a space in the open air…
…shared wall between the neighbouring properties has “special” laws. Typically, one neighbour cannot alter the common wall if it is likely to affect the building or property on the other side. Each wall has two sides and breaking a wall on one side will break the wall on the other side…
…a security measure of firewall prevents unauthorized electronic access to a networked computer system. It also permits, denies, encrypts, decrypts, or proxies all computer traffic between different security domains …
… three principal types of structural walls: building walls, exterior boundary walls, and retaining walls…
…a facade of a building is not a load-bearing but functions as a decoration, finish, front, face, or history preservation…

wall in progress

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Do Send me some pictures of your home / country, and your password.

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Code et conception de travail " in progress" par Saraswati Gramich, 2009